Why Flowers Can Truly Be Your Best Friend

As a man I have messed up a fair few times in my life when it comes to upsetting members of the opposite sex, be it friends, girlfriends or family members – you name them I have probably done something to upset them. I’ve cheated, made crass jokes, forgotten big important dates – I once upset someone by offering to build them a computer.

When such an incident comes around (and boy do they come around as regularly as schools having holidays or flu season) I have a foolproof method to help mediate some kind of peace deal.


Yes, that’s right, flowers.

It seems that nothing seems to say “Sorry, I’ve been an idiot” like a nice bunch of flowers.

I’m not talking about flowers from my garden that once started life when I potted them in my Plant Shed, I’m talking about a big beautiful bouquet of flowers from a New York florist – or whatever city or town you might reside in.

I am not sure what it is about bunches of flowers that seems to help heal troubles and mend emotional wounds. Even men like them. I once came home from a night out to find a big bunch of flowers on my door mat. They were from a neighbour who was apologising for some trouble he had caused that I was unaware of and it made my day.

Of course there are times where sending PlantShed NYC flowers is acceptable – such as a birthday or to mark an anniversary.

Or you could just randomly do it to make someone’s day a little bit better.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

News Reporter
I'm a freelance writer, blogger, media enthusiast, avid long-distance runner, and a huge professional wrestling fan. I cover a wide range of subjects and niches, including making money online, traffic generation, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, and running, among others.

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