Working in the MMO niche for a living has taught me to be very careful when it comes to my identity. If you are successful online then people will try and cash-in by using your name to gain entry into various conferences and obtain free things.
Other people are just as at risk. Every day there are plenty of reports of people who have had their identity stolen and the thief has used the identity to open bank accounts, take out loans, and run up lots of debts.
Most people think that the only way to maintain identity theft protection is to put every single document that they own through a shredder, sadly this is not a 100% foolproof method anymore.
Now we can do our banking, and other financial dealings, online we are leaving ourselves open to fraud and theft. These people are very clever and can easily hack into an unsecure computer or laptop.
Thankfully there are ways of bricking up the little holes that these people use.
IdentityHawk is a company that offers a comprehensive suite of identity protection tools that are designed to spring into action when anyone tries to gain access to your personal details on your computer or laptop.
The reason I like this service is because they offer a seven day trial option before they ask you to pay a monthly fee of $29.95. Plus if you sign up today they will throw in a 3 free credit scores.
Don’t wait until it is too late; get yourself protected today before it is too late.
Photo by blont from FreeImages