Training Round-Up Week #3


I had the day off work today, so I was able to do a 3-mile easy-paced run around my local park. I forgot my watch, so I had to use Strava on my phone to record. The pace I was going at didn’t feel anything quicker than 8:30.


Today was a rest day. It should have been yesterday, but I switched Monday and Tuesday around.


Four miles home at an easy pace.


Today’s session was a hill session. Two miles at a warm-up pace. 400m hard/400m easy up and down a hill x3. One mile cool-down pace.

I don’t normally have the energy after work to do hill sessions or track sessions, so this is a HUGE step in the right direction for me.


Rest day today.


No run today as I had to stay in for the council to send someone around to conduct a gas safety check.


Seven miles at an easy pace. This is the longest run I’ve done in a while outside of a race.


A much better week this week. I was so chuffed with myself at doing a hill session after work that I frightened a couple when I yelled at the top of my voice.

Image by intographics from Pixabay

News Reporter
I'm a freelance writer, blogger, media enthusiast, avid long-distance runner, and a huge professional wrestling fan. I cover a wide range of subjects and niches, including making money online, traffic generation, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, and running, among others.

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