One thing that I have discovered since I have started this blog is that I am becoming quite infatuated with reading other blogs around the internet, no matter what their subject matter might be I have to read the posts contained in the blog and the author, no matter how regularly he posts content, can not post enough for me to be happy with.
One such blog that I have been very interested in lately is a blog called Teknosis – KNOWLEDGE AS-A-WHOLE. From the name of the blog when I first ventured there I had a vision that it was be a blog about some form of hypnotherapy type thingy.
Thankfully (and no disrespect to the blog author here) it is not about this at all.
The blog is actually about a number of things, in fact I think I am right in saying that the only main topic is that the author basically writes whatever he feels like writing about at the time. Obviously as an American he writes a lot about American issues and politics.
The one thing that annoys me as a fan of reading other people’s blogs is when they feel the need to cram so much crap into their blog that it takes an age to load up the bloody thing! But there is none of that here, it is as if the author wants his writing to be the centre of the blog, something that we do not see much of these days.
This is blog is great if inquiring minds want to know exactly what the average American thinks about the social issues in their own country.
The blog can be found at www.tekgnosis.typepad.com