If you have ever run a website, blog or forum, then you will no doubt understand that moving to a new webhost can be one of the most horrible experiences you will have to do online.
Thankfully I no longer have to go through the minefield of finding a new reliable webhost because I’ve managed to find a stable one, but if I ever have to move in the future then I will use a web site called alreadyhosting.com.
If you have never heard of this website before then let me inform you that it is a website that offers reviews on pretty much every reliable webhost that is worth mentioning. They also allow users to leave their own reviews on webhosts to help give an even better picture.
Take Hostmonster for example. If you check out the Hostmonster reviews you will see that there are several five star reviews from users who are more than satisfied with their host, you will also note that they were awarded the 2011 Best Web Host award.
So the next time you are looking for a webhost don’t pull your hair out in despair, give a review website like alreadyhosting.com a try and see if they can help.