Today I went to Seaford for the day. I was originally going to go for the weekend, but I couldn’t book a room for Friday night without going bankrupt and I didn’t want to miss playing football Sunday morning and couldn’t be back in time, so I just went for the day.
I enjoy going back here every couple of years as it was a place I went to boarding school and it was at this school that I slowly started sorting myself out. Plus it is a lovely place to visit as it has a lot of the nice things a seaside town has, but because it doesn’t have the amusements it doesn’t attract many tourists.
I got the first train out at 7:07am and arrived in Seaford at 8:45AM and after a fantastic breakfast in a cafe I walked along the beach and up to Splash Point. This was a part of Seaford that I always wanted to visit as a child, but because it is a cliff edge I was far too scared and although I was worried as an adult due to the recent cliff erosion (a large piece of the cliff fell into the sea a couple of weeks before) I was brave enough to venture up there and admired the view.
After a nice walk around the cliff and back along the beach I had a look around the shops until one of the pubs opened and then spent a few hours with some of the local newspapers and a few nice pints of Harvey’s Sussex Best Bitter.
My stomach started rumbling about 3pm so I treated myself to a lovely rib-eye steak with chips, tomatoes, mushrooms and veg – all on a skillet which I heard coming as it sizzled as the barman brought it to me. A few more pints and one last walk around the town and it was time to get the train home.
As I stood on the beach and looked out to the sea I thought to myself: “Why can’t every day in my life be like this?”
Of course then I got home and found out that Millwall fucking lost again! But I suppose it can’t all go my way. 🙂