I nipped back home, after the football match, to grab something to eat, have a shower, put on some clean clothes and then shoot off to meet up with Reiss again. It had been so long since I’d last seen him (it must have been all of, ooh, an hour?).
We thought we would head down to Angel to a pub called The Steam Passage. Wes was having some drinks in there with people to celebrate his birthday. Apart from Wes and Reiss I did not know anybody else but I was quite happy sitting in the corner drinking London Pride.
Alfie turned up and although he only stayed for an hour he told enough bad and dodgy jokes to last us all a life time!
I met someone called Tim who was a friend of Wes. He seemed like a cool guy and he gave me some very good advice about my recent problems with an ex-girlfriend. Me, him and Reiss ended up going to the Mucky Pup where we tortured poor Tim by bombarding him with shit jokes all night.
It has been a while since I have enjoyed myself like I have over the entire day, I definitely need to do this more often.