I do not know why, but for some reason, my dad has started opening my mail.
For the past few days (since Monday), he has opened every single piece of mail that has come, despite having my name clearly marked on each of them. Even the ones for Tapp Out Radio have been opened.
This morning, he opened a package that had Tapp Out Radio, C/O Dean Saliba on it. It contained four new albums from Sparkle Promotions for me to add to Tapp Out Radio’s playlist.
I asked him why he opened it, and he said that he never did. He claimed it was the postman. So, apparently, the postman has been opening my mail and then delivering it.
At one point, he used to open my mail and then hide it from me.
I’d phone up a company and ask them why they have suspended our service and not sent a bill; they would argue with me that they sent me a bill and a reminder. I would then find both of them opened and stuffed down the side of his chair.
I don’t mind him reading my mail; it’s not as if I have something to hide, but I just wish he would not lie about it or hide them down the side of his chair for months on end.
Photo by from FreeImages