Overtime For The First Time

Despite the really horrible and tragic news that I received yesterday I somehow managed to fight the urge to return to my normal state of being a grumpy horrible bastard.

Yesterday I received my uniform for work and I look bloody stupid in it! It is a navy blue polo t-shirt, a navy blue jumper, a navy blue fleece and the tightest pair of trousers I have ever had to wear.

It was not only cutting off the circulation to my penis but it also showed off my arse, which would be fine but I have an arse the size of a hippo anyway and the last thing I need is a pair of trousers making it 100% obvious!

I guess I’ll get used to them. And before Reiss, or anyone, comes along with a sarcastic comment about me being a fat bastard trying to fit into smaller trousers, they are designed to be tight on you, the legs are too long for me so I could not have got a bigger size.

The supervisor told me that there is an OFSTED inspection at the school on Friday and they were offering the cleaners overtime to help clean the school from top to bottom in time. She offered us four hours overtime spread over two days.

I’ve never done overtime before, I was quite pleased to be asked. I found out tomorrow we will be finishing just early enough for me to dash to a nearby pub and watch the England/Andorra game.

While I was at work I got a text from Wayne threatening to quit as club secretary of Bethnal Green Celtic because apparently Reiss has been trying to take over by insisting we do things his way and his way only.

Hopefully a quiet word with both of them will calm things down.

Image by klimkin from Pixabay

News Reporter
I'm a freelance writer, blogger, media enthusiast, avid long-distance runner, and a huge professional wrestling fan. I cover a wide range of subjects and niches, including making money online, traffic generation, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, and running, among others.

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