I’d had a decent week working online so I thought that I would celebrate by going out Friday, because that is the kind of rock and roll rebel I am. You can keep your drugs and having debauched sex with groups of women, I’d much rather have a pint with a boring bastard like Reiss. THAT is hardcore!
We went to the LSE bar, which is fast becoming my local haunt ahead of The Mucky Pup. It has two advantages over The Mucky Pup, the booze is cheap and the place is stuffed to the gills with hot slutty students.
Obviously slutty students with standards because I haven’t slept with any of them.
While I was there Reiss asked me a few questions about making an income online. I’ve had quite a few people ask me how they go about it, enough for me to set up some kind of Online Schooling site (like the ones the big bloggers offer) spilling my sexy secrets.
We didn’t stay long as we wanted to get to Big Red to have a birthday drink with Will. I hadn’t seen him for a while. I did not think we was going to make it because Reiss was taking ages topping up his Oyster. I was waiting by the barriers and was waiting for so long the staff member standing near me was sure I was stalking him. He kept looking at me and then shifting a couple of inches away from me.
When we got to Big Red Will took one look at me and he told me that my skin looked normal, which is possibly the weirdest compliment I have received.
It’s true though, I have been feeling good inside since I walked away form Kerry and it must be showing on the outside as a lot of people say I am looking happy and good.
He then did a switch on me when he mocked me for admitting in my blog about self-harming. I laughed it off but only because I didn’t want to spoil the mood of the evening. He left soon after which was probably a good thing. I’m not sure why he made the insult.
I don’t want to go down that route any time soon.
It was nice getting out, I even spoke to a woman and she showed me her boobies!
Photo by patryk specjal from FreeImages