Have you ever thought about the prospect of investing in gold? Gold is well recognised as a great investment all around the world and there is no better company to use than Monex for your investment dealings.
Monex is a brokerage company that specialises in investing in precious metals such as gold bullion, palladium, platinum and silver as well as coins.
For well over 30 years Monex have been known in America as the leader in gold, silver and precious metals investment. So you know that you can trust them when you deal with this company.
Through Monex Precious Metals (MPC) you can buy quantities of gold for either immediate personal delivery to your house or you can arrange to have them stored safely in an independent bank vault.
Being the leader in this field for over 30 years Monex have not sat on their reputation they have constantly strived to improve their service and have regularly alter their policy pages so that you are well aware of what you are getting into. Their customer service is above approach and they are still looking to improve it more.
If you ever wish to invest in gold then checking out Monex is probably the best place to start.