Building a web site can be a very challenging experience and it can be even more so if you do not know a lot about using HTML to build them. That is why web sites such as Evrsoft are perfect for new webmasters.
Evrsoft have a free website builder program that is ideal for people who want to be helped along when building a web site. Below you will find just a host of some the great features included in their program:
* Tag Insight with SmartHistory™
* CSS Insight with SmartHistory™
* CSS Class Support & Auto Detection
* Advanced Syntax Highlighting
* Tag Document Selection Tool
* Dual Preview Engine
* Online Webmaster Tools
* Tag Property Sheet Inspector with SmartHistory™
* Tag Auto Completion
* Design View Engine, Powered by Microsoft®
* Anti-Intrusive Real-Time Visual Source Rendering Engine™
* Dual Edit System
* One Click Html Reference Guides
* Asset Management
* Extensive Web Language Support
* Tidy HTML Power Tools (updated)
* Document Checking Tools
* iScripts™
* Page color themes
* Popupmaker Deluxe
* Image Mapper
* CSS Style Sheet Designer
* Scrollbar Designer
* Powerful Server Side Includes Support
* Sitetree/ Link Checking Tool
* Analyze Document/Page Estimation Tool
* Extendable Toolbars and Interface
* Interface Designed for All
* File Management Tools
* Image Thumbnails
* Rollover Images
* Internet explorer preview integration
* Netscape® Mozilla preview integration
* Powerful, Enhanced IDE Interface
* Powerful FTP client
* Extended Find & Replace In Files
* Photo Album Gallery Generator
It is very rare to find a html editor that is completely free (most of them are shareware) but Evrsoft offer possibly one of the best ones I have used, and trust me I have used almost everyone that has been put on the market since 2001.
Their official support forum has a lot of people who are happy to assist you if you come unstuck while using the product. You can also find a huge amount of resources, tools and articles on their web site to help you add a little bit of flash to your web site.
Image by James Osborne from Pixabay