I tried to be all happy and productive yesterday but by about 12pm I was in the mood to start punching people in the throat. By 1pm I had enough and took myself off to the pub and stayed until about 7pm when I popped back home to get my cash card so I could get more money out.
I was walking towards my block when I noticed a group of black guys hanging around, I normally see them so thought nothing of it but then I heard a noise behind me and turned to see a large groups of Asians running into the estate and running towards me.
They ran straight past me and steamed into the black gang who were only too happy to come and meet them and both sides kicked the shit out of each other. As I went into the block I saw an Asian guy slump to the floor clutching his stomach, I’m guessing he was one of the guys that got stabbed.
By the time I got to my door the police had turned up and both gangs had fled. Maybe it is me being a heartless bastard but I did not care, while some guys hung around outside my bedroom window (I have a communal balcony they weren’t hanging onto the window sill!) bragging and getting all excited all I wanted to do was go back to the pub and continue getting bladdered.
While I was in the pub I had a revelation of just how sad and pathetic I was. I was sitting in a pub, on my own, getting drunk, being grumpy and surfing the internet on my mobile phone!
When I finally crawled out of the pub (again I was in The Hare, the large lady behind the bar will vouch that I was there if anybody feels the need to check) I grabbed something to eat and then had a rather boring couple of hours online as everybody I talk to was out having life, the selfish bastards!
You people who went out and had great times should stop and remember for a minute that because of you being so selfish I was forced to talk to my fucking brother for about four hours!
As I was leaving the pub I noticed a big sign that advertised that on Sunday they have jazz music playing. I might pop down and check this out, I enjoy a bit of toe-tapping and finger-snapping now and again.
Image by Peter Kraayvanger from Pixabay