For years I have loved playing football in the rain, but now that I have moved positions maybe I will start to hate it because I find it almost impossible to keep my gloves dry to hold onto a ball when it is pissing down. I bought two towels with me to dry my gloves on, but they were soon soaking wet and caked in mud themselves and thus of no use.
The gloves were so wet that I would make a fist and the water would seep out of them. This meant that I would have to save shots and then be ready to clamber back to my feet in order to pounce on the loose balls.
Things took a comedic turn at training today when two players got into a heated exchange of words over a couple of tough tackles. It was funny because these two are not fighters (picture the two softest people in your school squaring off), and one of them is known for dishing out tackles, but not liking to receive them.
No punches were thrown and within 30 seconds they had kissed and made up, but apparently my Biggest Cunt award is now under threat.
Photo by elvis santana from FreeImages