Setting up a conference call can be quite expensive for your company, some companies I know charge you more if you have more people hooking up at the same time and let us not even think about the third world nation debt you would owe if you used International Conferencing!
But now there is a company called Free Conference Call who are offering a Conference Call Service that does not try to bleed you dry when all you are trying to do is build your company and brand.
It is at this point that I hear you all cry in a cynical voice “but what is the catch?”
Well there simply isn’t one. They do not put adverts on the line, nor is the quality of the line restricted in a devious bid to force you to pay for a clearer one. The callers simply pay a local tariff just like if they were phoning a friend or family member at home.
So if you run you on company, or you are part of a group, and you have always wanted to conduct some conference calls then what a better place to start than using the great free service being offered by Free Conference Call today.
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay