Some of you might be aware that I have been trying to lose weight for the majority of this year with some levels of success. I managed to slim down from 350lbs to 240lbs without having to do too much, but when I got to 240lbs I hit a brick wall and was unable to get any lower no matter how much I tried.
So I decided to try a new technique: if I can not lose any more weight then I will try and turn my remaining fat into muscle.
Now I could have gone the easy route and just contacted a company like Wellness MGT corp. and got myself some human growth hormone, but I wanted to see if I could accomplish this without the need to take this kind of substance.
So I sat myself down and compiled a new eating plan, drew up a list of supplements that would compliment my eating plan, and I created two new workout plans that would see me working out four times a week and I could switch them every week.
I have stuck to this for a month now and the results are already showing in my arms, on my shoulders, and my belly is shrinking. Overall I’m very pleased with how things are going and I’m ready to step my workout up another level in the new year.
Since so many people have taken an interest in my journey (the majority have taken the piss out of me, but there have been a couple who are encouraging me) I have decided to set up a website where people can see what meal, supplement and workout plans I’m using – and the best thing about it is that I won’t be charging a single penny for it.
It won’t be live until January but I think some of you who have been thinking about changing your physique will get a lot out of it, even if you only want to use a part of it. Oh and for those f you who like to ridicule me for trying new things – there will be pictures of me for you to laugh at.
Keep reading this blog for the link when it is live.
Photo by Andrzej Pobiedziński from FreeImages