Bloody Typical!

Two of the jobs that I applied for on Monday I might still be in with a shout of getting despite not having an enhanced CRB check.

The first one left me a voicemail on Tuesday and when I contacted them I was told that the person would phone me back before the end of the day but that they probably won’t be interested in hiring me due to my lack of an enhanced CRB check.

She called back Friday at 5:45pm but sadly I was out on one of my walks when she rang so she left me another voicemail. I shall contact them Monday morning and see what happens with that one.

My battery needed charging which is why I left the phone at home. When I got back I found a second voicemail from another job asking me to contact them as they wanted me to come in for an interview and the only day they were interviewing was Friday. This means I would have 30 minutes to get ready and travel for the interview.

Again I’ll phone them Monday and see if they are conducting anymore interviews in other areas of London.

All week I carried my phone with me and the only time I leave it at home for 15 minutes two jobs phone me! Bloody typical!

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

News Reporter
I'm a freelance writer, blogger, media enthusiast, avid long-distance runner, and a huge professional wrestling fan. I cover a wide range of subjects and niches, including making money online, traffic generation, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, and running, among others.

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