I have played for Acton Town for four seasons now and in that time I have had moments where I have seriously considered walking away and not playing for them anymore, but today was the first time that I have seriously wanted to punch one of my teammates out cold.
I’ve had rows with players in the past, Leon Miller, Mark Stone, Edward Hawthorne, the list is quite long, but today was the first time that I have ever had to stop myself from whacking one of my own team players.
I turned up at the away ground, a little piece of green that was tucked away in Hounslow. I clocked Edward sitting in his car belting out old school classics (like Guns & Roses) I would have gone over but I was getting a little bit pissed off with the other guys as they had not shown up yet.
They rolled up at about 2:30 and Jayson announced that we only had seven players as players like Leon, Ashley, Zico, etc had let him down. Leon was told to meet at 12pm but did not wake up until about 1pm and managed to get himself lost in an area where he has lived his entire life!
I said that someone should buy him an AtoZ for his birthday and Theo turned around and said that this would make no difference as he can not even follow simple directions on the phone. The guy is an idiot!
Having only seven players meant that we all had to work a bit harder than normal, I knew this would take its toll on me and Jayson (no offence to him) as we are not exactly as fit as the others guys.
To cut a long story short we were battered 17-0. I had two attempts to score, the first fell nicely for me but I managed to shoot wide and the second attempt it just evaded my foot.
Leon turned up at around the 80th minute mark and just strolled across the green towards us, I yelled at him “Run, you fucking cunt!” which had everyone spinning around to see who it was yelling. I’m the captain, I’m meant to yell.:)
Although we got hammered I was very pleased and proud to captain the team because we really played our hearts out. The only weak link was Nat who who not tracking back to defend quick enough and although people screamed at him I had a quiet word and he picked up his game.
After the game everyone buggered off and I decided to pop into a pub for an after match pint (which is fast becoming a tradition for me). I only had the one as I saw Millwall had lost 2-0 to Leeds and got the hump.
On the train journey home some drunk Liverpool fans got on and started singing Liverpool songs and after about ten minutes they started singing a song which had the lyric “Where are the famous Millwall?” I could not keep my mouth shut and started chanting Millwall songs back at them which they took in great humour and for the next 20 minutes there was a singing contest between ten Liverpool fans and one stupid Millwall fan. 🙂