Today we had to take Olivia to an appointment at Great Ormond Street Hospital to speak to a plastic surgeon regarding her operation to remove her unusual birthmark.
Unusual as in the doctors were concerned at how big and dark it was.
Has anybody injured themselves on the way to a hospital appointment before? Because that’s what I did today.
I carried my daughter’s pram down the steps of my girlfriend’s block of flats (whilst my girlfriend rabbited away to a neighbour) and found the pram a lot heavier than it usually is. It turns out my girlfriend had loaded the pram up with copies of the latest Avon catalogue – over 50 of the fuckers!
By the pain in my back, I knew almost instantly that I had pulled a muscle again, And with some big races coming up, and work being rather strenuous, this couldn’t have come at a worse time.
Before ‘Backgate’ though I decided to take advantage of a day off, and a bit of free time, and go for a track session. I managed to complete the two-mile warm-up run to the track, but I got 100m into the actual track part of the session when I suddenly projectile vomited with such force that I actually expected to see an internal organ.
Thankfully it was the old cinder track at my local park, so I won’t be getting banned for fouling the side of the track.