The Quest To See Serj Tankian (Part 1)

So today was the day that I was going to see Serj Tankian and Inme at The Forum. Despite my earlier admission of being somewhat reluctant at the thought of going I had started to actually look forward to not only going but also the whole experience of attending my first proper gig of a band that was famous since Papa Roach back in about 1995/1996.

I checked Journey Planner and found that getting to the venue was easy. Get a 55 bus to Old Street and then get a 214 from there that would drop me off round the corner and would leave me with a mere 2-4 minute walk to the venue.

But fate likes to play a game with me called “Lets Fart In Dean’s Face” and we were all kicked off the 214 bus after about 20 minutes and told the service was not going past this point. Not knowing where I was I began walking and found a pub called Quinn’s that I used to frequent from time to time with Jen and Reiss, I needed to pee so popped in and had a couple of pints and felt a bit disappointed at the prospect of missing the gig.

As I left the pub I started to look for a bus that would take me home. It was then that I spotted a group of four people wearing System Of A Down t-shirts and thought that they were going to the gig. I followed them from a distance and after about ten minutes of walking they went into a pub.

I saw a bus stop and decided to look at the electronic board and saw that a 214 bus was due in 17 minutes. I decided to have a punt and started walking up the road and just as I got to the next bus stop a 214 came by and after sprinting that would put most Olympic runners to shame I caught it and sat down to see the bus drive off and 30 seconds later saw us pass The Forum!

Despite there being a long line, and despite me feeling like an idiot walking past them all to the back of the line, it moved very quickly and within 10 minutes I had my ticket stamped and was groped by a huge security guard who was enjoying it far too much for my liking!

Click Here To Read Part Two

News Reporter
I'm a freelance writer, blogger, media enthusiast, avid long-distance runner, and a huge professional wrestling fan. I cover a wide range of subjects and niches, including making money online, traffic generation, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, and running, among others.

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